Article Index
Nathan M. Andelin   December 2016

IBM i Modernization - The User Interface

(Part 18)

This article discusses the idea of sending text messages to smart phones from IBM i applications. Please click on the following screen shot to try it.


Twilio is a company that provides a number of web services, including a popular one for sending text messages to smart phones and similar devices.

Twilio issues an account number, a secret authentication token, and a phone number to individuals (or organizations) to enable them to send text messages via their web-service API.

Twilio bills your account for your use of the phone number ($1 per month at this time), plus a small fee (less than 1 cent for phones in the USA) per message processed. Volume discounts are available.

Twilio supports phone carriers all over the world. However I've limited the demo featured in this article to only phone numbers issued in the USA.

Use Cases

Text notifications and alerts for any type of application such as:

  • 2-factor authentication.
  • Appointment reminders.
  • Dispatch notifications.
  • Arrival notifications.

What the Demo Does

  1. Prompts users to enter a smart phone number and message text.
  2. The form's values are sent to an ILE RPG program named IUI106.
  3. The IUI106 program connects with the Twilio web service, queues the message for dispatch, and returns a confirmation (or error) to the browser.

Twilio supports up to 10 file attachments per message. However I've limited the scope of the demo to only 1024 characters of message text.

Twilio message queueing is not very prone to errors. Exceptions include malformed phone numbers, insufficient account funds, and such.

Twilio offers an optional call-back web service in the event that you're interested in tracking phone-carrier transmission errors that may occur down line.

The Form's JavaScript

The send() function is invoked when the form is submitted (via button click or the "enter" key).

function send() {
  reqPost('/rdcaller/send.shtml?rwappid=iui106' ,fm.pd());
  return false;

High-level explanation of send():

  • The form's data elements are posted to the server (program IUI106 is called to process it).
  • returning "false" overrides the default form submit (reqPost() uses AJAX instead).

The us() function is invoked by the response from the IUI106 program:

function us(rt) {'msg','value','');
  um.innerHTML = rt;

High-level explanation of us():

  • The IUI106 program returns a "confirmation" message.
  • The value of the "msg" input element is set to an empty string.
  • The focus is set to the "phone" input element.

Program IUI106

An RPG program named IUI106 responds to the "send" request. The code is as follows:

Program IUI106
      // procedure prototypes

      /copy *libl/qrpglesrc,rdstrapi#1
      /copy *libl/qrpglesrc,rdtwiapi#1
      /copy *libl/qrpglesrc,rdwtnapi#1

      // module level data

     d rw            e ds                  extname(rwpgmc) qualified

     d s1              s               *   inz(*null)

     d twilio          ds                  likeds(twilio_t) import

     d crlf            s              2a   inz(x'0D25')

     d twisid          s             64a   dtaara(twisid)
     d twisecret       s             64a   dtaara(twisecret)
     d twifrom         s             32a   dtaara(twifrom)

      // program entry

     c     *entry        plist
     c                   parm                    rw


       // set reference to UI template

       if s1 <> *null;

       // branch to subroutines based on requested actions

        when rw.action = 'INIT';
         exsr do_init;
        when rw.action = 'SEND';
         exsr do_send;


       // initialization

       begsr do_init;

        s1 = wtnOpen('IUI106');

        clear twilio;

        in twisid;
        in twisecret;
        in twifrom;

        twilio.sid = %trimr(twisid);
        twilio.secret = %trimr(twisecret);
        twilio.from = %trimr(twifrom);


       // send message to phone

       begsr do_send; = %char(strToInt(wtnFldGet('phone')));
        twilio.body = wtnFldGet('msg');
        twilio.body = strReplace(twilio.body:'\n':crlf);

        if twilSendSms();
         twilio.msg = 'Thanks for your message @ ' + %char(%date():*usa)
          + ' ' + %char(%time():*hms) + '.';

       // send "confirmation" to browser




High-level explanation of program IUI106:

  • Program IUI106 binds to a service program named RDTWIAPI that implements an high-level interface with Twilio. Any ILE program or service program can bind to RDTWIAPI to send Twilio text messages.
  • My Twilio account number, secret authorization token, and phone number are retrieved from IBM i data areas.
  • A procedure named twilSendSms() is paired with a qualified data structure named "twilio" to send text messages.
  • We should review the layout of the "twilio" data structure that is imported from the RDTWIAPI service program:

twilio data structure
d twilio_t        ds                  qualified template
d  sid                          64a   varying           
d  secret                       64a   varying           
d  from                         32a   varying           
d  to                           32a   varying           
d  body                       1600a   varying           
d  media                      8192a   varying           
d  msg                         256a   varying           

  • sid - your Twilio account number.
  • secret - your secret authentication token.
  • from - your Twilio phone number.
  • to - your recipient's smart phone number.
  • body - your message body.
  • media - media attachments (up to 10 maximum).
  • msg - message returned by Twilio (i.e. error).

Wrapping Up

There are quite a few use cases for sending text messages to smart phones from IBM i applications. Hopefully this article stirs some consideration.

This article was inspired in part by a GITHUB project of Rainer Ross, that uses Node.js to send Twilio texts from IBM i applications See here.